The Door is a Jar

Dedicated to seeing the lighter and slightly skewed side of life

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Butterflypalooza @ Tyler Arboretum

Tyler Arboretum in Media, PA is a fantastic place to go, not just for photography, but for families.  They really have a great program running this summer, jam-packed with awesome stuff for kids to explore, like cool tree houses, fairy forests, and (my personal favorite) a large version of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”.

I went on Sunday and the place was loaded with families with young kids.  It was great for them, cause there was so much to do.  It was great for me, cause I didn’t have to worry about other photographers hogging the best spots.  Total win-win.  It also seemed to me, that I was either ahead or behind the group curve, so the bulk of the people were not where I was at any given moment.

Ironically, this was not my first choice for where I was gonna go this weekend.  It was not even my second.  I had put it on my list of places to try to get to this summer, but it doesn’t open until 9:00 am, well past the morning “Golden Hour”. For that reason, I had kind of put in on the back burner.  But this Sunday started out kind of cloudy, so there was no strong need to get out the door by 6:30 am.  I decided to take it easy and give this place a shot.  I was not disappointed.

Butterflies are just the most photogenic of the bugs, am I right?  Of course, when your competition are cockroaches and ants, it’s not hard to win that contest!  Unlike ants (that I can find even when I don’t want to!), butterflies can be a little tricky to locate.  Well, I can tell you, they are all hanging out at the Tyler Arboretum.  Monarchs, Skippers, and a bunch of other kinds that I can’t name, can all be found here.  Here are just a few pics.

These are not even the best one’s for the day (I’m saving those for Feature Foto Friday 🙂  Just a little something to give you an incentive to seek out butterflies.  They are totally happening right now!

Couldn’t help but wonder how many earthquakes started as a result of what I saw yesterday.  Or how Ashton Kutcher is doing.

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If you run after two rabbits….

The expression ends with, “You will catch neither”.  Not always the case!

Hey all!  I know I mentioned earlier this week that I did not go on a photo outing last weekend.  However, that did not mean that I did not try to get some good pictures!  After the rain let up on Saturday, I grabbed my camera and walked outside.  I was surprised to find two bunnies hanging out right by the door.  They didn’t run away either!

We have many, many bunnies around our house.  I am a bit concerned that they seem a little too comfortable.  You can tell they are gearing up for something.  Just look at the way they are looking at me.  It’s like they are saying “Girlie, if you take one more picture, we are gonna hurt you.”  Look!  They are saying it with their eyes!

Here are couple others I took.

Happy Saturday!

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Tutorial Thursday – How to look like a moron!

Hey boys and girls, today’s tutorial lesson is how to look like a complete moron.  Cause you know, it’s just not enough to feel like one, you really have to look and act the part too.

At the end of last week, I leave my office building to get in my car to drive home.  I was a bit apprehensive because the “Check Engine” light came on during my drive into work.  So I am scrutinizing the dashboard, as I’m pulling out of my parking spot.  Pretty quickly, I notice that another light is blinking.  It’s the coolant light, but I didn’t know that at the time.

I pull back into the spot I just pulled out of, and grab the owner’s manual.  I discover what the light is for and realize why I didn’t know what it was.  It’s because I’ve never seen that warning light come on before…ever!  Per the manual, a blinking coolant light means that the coolant level is low.  Now, I know that the coolant system in my car is a sealed system.  You usually don’t have to check it that often, and you have to be careful about what you do add.  Can’t just go throwing anything in there!

Ok, so here’s the kicker.  I grab my purse (even though I already know what I am going to find), check my phone…no charge.  Great.  This is a problem for several reasons.  One, I need to talk to my husband, or as I like to call him, my “Mechanic”.  That man has solved problems on this 15-year-old car that I didn’t think were possible.  So I can’t call him, unless I go back in the building.  Which brings me to problem two.  The door to my building is locked at like 4:45 pm.  You can get out, but you can’t get back in without a key.  I don’t have a key.  I also don’t have a cell phone at this point nor do I have a lock pick set or a glass cutter.  Getting back in is going to be tricky.

When I was leaving, two of my colleagues were also leaving, but I knew they were just running out and coming back.  I decided the best thing to do was wait by the door.  That way it was just a matter of which would happen first.  Either my coworkers would come back or someone else would come out.  I probably stood there for about 20 minutes, but it felt like an hour.  Feeling stupid actually makes time pass slower.  I think it’s one of the laws of physics.

So, I get back in the building, and back to my desk.  I call my house, but no one picks up.  Hubby is not home.  Okayyyy.  Next problem is that his cell number is on my phone, the same phone that has no charge.  I don’t have it memorized.  Why?  I like to believe it’s because that real estate is occupied with important trivia details about music and movies.  If you’ve read my blog before, you know this about me.  If not, well, you know now!

How am I gonna get his cell number?  I finally remember that he includes an electronic business card on his emails.  I start checking to see if I can find one that I haven’t deleted yet.  No luck.  Then I start checking the “Sent” folder to see if maybe, hopefully, possibly, I responded to an email that still had the card embedded.  Eureka!  Found it!

Ok, you would hope (or at least I would) that I called my husband and he told me what to do or somehow helped me with the situation.  No.  I called his cell, he answers the call, but never says “Hello”.  I can hear him talking to someone, but not to me.  I start yelling “ED?  HELLO?  ED?”  He doesn’t hear me, so he hangs up.  I call back…I get voicemail. That is just terrific.  I leave a message asking him to call me at work right away.  Then I wait about half an hour.  No call.

At this point, I am almost alone in the building.  This is not good.  Lucky for me, my boss was still there.  She had been on a call.  I ask her if she wouldn’t mind taking me to the nearby gas station to pick up some antifreeze.  “No problem” she says along with “Are you sure that the car will be ok with just that?”  The implication being, I still might not be able to drive it.  It was really a good question. Who knows?   I had to give it a shot.

The gas station is right down the road.  I walk in and seek out the automotive section.  Of course, it’s right by the door.  They offer, if I take the time to count all of their antifreeze options, three.  Three!  I mentioned previously that I know there is a certain kind you are supposed to use in my car.  But do you think I brought the manual with me?  Ohhhhh Noooooo!  All I could remember is 50/50.  That left just one choice.  I guess we have our winner!

We get back to the office building, I open the hood of the car.  I look at what appears to be the overflow coolant tank.  I had looked at it before.  There was barely any fluid in it, and what was there was very, very dark.  I hadn’t noticed that part before.  I also don’t think I have ever added coolant to this car before.  I have a “Mechanic”, remember?  Now don’t get me wrong.  I was taught as soon as I got my driver’s license how to check the fluids in a car.  My car when I was sixteen ate power steering fluid.  I can add fluids to a car.  The problem is that now I am questioning where to put the antifreeze, because the stuff left in the overflow tank does not resemble coolant.  It looked more like oil.

I grab the owner’s manual again to look at the “Under the Hood” diagram.  It was not exactly, how should I put it?  Helpful.  My boss is standing there looking at me, probably wondering what the hell I’m doing.  I’m sure she is ready to go home.  Finally, I just decide to put the coolant where I think it is supposed to go.  Here goes nothing!

I hop back in the car, turn on the engine.  Yippeee!  No lights.  Other than the check engine light.  I drop the hood, get back in the car.  Time to go!  My boss has graciously agreed to follow me most of the way home, which she did.  I got home no problem.  Temperature on the engine was normal.  I think I am in good shape.  That was pretty presumptive of me.

After I turn off the engine, I notice that there is a fair amount of steam coming out from under the hood.  What the f!  I grab the lever to pop the hood.  Nothing.  The latch won’t release.  What is that about!?!  Then I start to panic.  Did I remember to put the cap back on the overflow tank?  I can’t remember now.  I HATE not being able to remember if you did something you meant to do.  And I have no idea why the hood won’t open.  I’m feeling pretty nervous that my “Mechanic” is not gonna like this.

So my husband gets home.  He is in the door about five seconds when he says, “Is there something wrong with the car?  There’s a huge puddle underneath it!”  I explain about the coolant light blinking and putting antifreeze in-

“What kind of antifreeze did you put in?”  Did I tell you or what?  I again explained that there was only one option at the gas station, so that is what I used-

“You can’t put that stuff in there!  Why didn’t you call me!!!!”  Um, I did.  Like four times.  You hung up on me.

“You didn’t leave a message.”  Yeeeesss, I did.

He checks his phone and says, ”What phone were you calling from?”  My work phone.

“That’s not what this says.”  I don’t care what it says, I called from work.

“Well, I don’t answer strange numbers”  Might want to rethink that policy, buddy.

“Why didn’t you use your cell?”  Ummmmmm-

“It’s not charged, is it.” no.

Needless to say, everyone ended up feeling like a moron after this conversation.  But hey, we all make mistakes!  And if we hadn’t, you wouldn’t know how to look like a moron!  Or maybe you would.  We all have our stories.

I know Dad, I need a new car 🙂

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Barenaked and Balloons – A shout out to last year’s NJ Balloon Festival!

Usually today’s post would be a recap of my photo outing from the weekend.  Well, I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “The best laid schemes of mice and men, go often awry.”  from the Robert Burns poem.  No matter how well you plan, sometimes things happen that screw everything up.  This weekend we had a fair amount of rain in the morning.  Between that and my bouts of insomnia last week, getting up at 6am to grow trouncing out and about taking pictures….was just not gonna happen.

I’ve decided on these rare occasions, that I will go through my archives and find a story to tell.  A recap of a past outing, that hopefully I can tie into some current event.  This week I have decided to recap the Quick Chek NJ Balloon Festival from 2011.  The festival this year takes place on July 27-29th, so it’s right around the corner!  If you live in the area, you should definitely check it out.  The balloons take off in the early morning or early evening.  I was there in the evening.  The sight was spectacular.  I have posted pics of this before on other Social Media sites (ie Facebook), but most of these pics  are making their internet début!  I will do a complete group on Flickr, so you can see them all there.

See what I’m talkin’ about?  Awesome right?  Now you are probably wondering what this “Barenaked” business is about.  The festival usually features a few musical acts that headline concerts starting after the balloons go up in the evening.  On this particular evening, it was the Barenaked Ladies!!!!  Only one of my absolute favorite bands.  The venue is really great, you are so close!

I told you!  Please, do yourself a favor and go the festival, you won’t regret it!

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Feature Foto Friday

I have to say, this week’s outing was a lot of fun.  Very unusual stuff.  Unfortunately, I forgot how to use my point and shoot camera and many of my pics turned out blurry.  Surprisingly, there were a few that I was able to save.  One of them was a complete overexposed accident that might be the coolest picture I have ever taken.  It just goes to show you, don’t delete anything until you look at it on a big screen.  Here’s the best of the week, this week.

You might have noticed that they are all black and white (or a slight variation of that).  If you read my post “It’s not always so color.  Sometimes it’s black and white!” that helps to explain my decision-making process when making that determination.  Plus the PVC is already white…so it was kind of a no-brainer.

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What do you know?

I have attempted to write my tutorial post this week almost as many times as Ernest Hemingway rewrote the ending to “A Farewell To Arms” (click here to learn more about that!).  I’m sorry but that is just too many…for me.  I thought I would keep it simple this week and recommend a source that I found incredibly useful.

Kelby Training is a website that offers tons of educational information about digital photography and post processing.  It is a subscription service, but every day they offer 75 free day passes.  If you get on the website early enough you can score one of those and watch as many of the videos as you want during the 24 hour trial period.  I recommend choosing a day when you have absolutely nothing else to do.  Yeah I know, who has one of those?

I would also like to encourage comments and a dialogue.  Have you found any particular books or websites helpful when it comes to digital photography?

P.S. I figured out today how to add links to my blog.  Could you tell?


Who comes up with this stuff?

I work in retail.  Occasionally, I have to actually create names for some of the products we sell.  It can be incredibly difficult.  For that reason, I have great respect for others who also have to invent product names.  However (you knew that was coming, didn’t you) as I was walking around The Home Depot this weekend, I couldn’t help but notice some product names are just….hilarious!

This one is for Husky Plastic Sheeting.  I guess the husky is referring to the size of the sheeting?  I must have seen one too many mobster movies.  All I can think of is that “husky” is the size of the body you need to get rid of.  You know the scene where the guy realizes he’s a goner after he walks into the plastic lined room?  They make you show ID to buy spray paint, maybe they should consider it for this too.  Just sayin!  That guy in the background looks kind of shady 🙂

Goof Off.  This one made me feel strangely guilty.  Could that be because I was taking pictures instead of doing actual work?  Hard to say….I’ll get back to ya.

I love it when products have names that would normally start with a “C” but they change it to a “K”  Oh YEAH!  Krud Kutter makes KLEANING KOOL!!  Trademark.

Last, but certainly not least…

I think they know that men shop here.


Your Mission Should You Choose to Accept It…

This weekend, the site I chose for my photography outing is a place where people from all walks of life gather.  They gather with the hope and enthusiasm that they can do it!  They might even be able to get a little help too.  Where is this place that even the most jaded pessimist might consider for just a moment that the glass is half full?  No, it’s not the Church of Scientology. It’s…

This weekend was a little jam-packed with chores and activities, so when my husband asked if I wanted to go with him to Home Depot, I thought it might be an interesting place to take pictures.  I was a bit concerned that the retail folks might not like this idea as much as I did, so I took my little point and shoot camera instead of the DSLR.  I’m mentioning this because I seem to have forgotten how to use this camera.  I thought the purpose of Point and Shoot was to make it easy, but apparently not.  Some of the pics are a little blurry, so I apologize in advance.

This sign always makes me laugh.  See, I read this sign and think that they are talking about the customers that come here so often, they are considered, not amateur, but “Pro”!  Surely, they must be talking about us!  Yes, this is the explanation I have ready if anyone asks why we are parking in the spot saved for contractors.

Now, when you look at this picture, are you thinking these would be a good thing to use to build a rig capable of supporting interior doors so they can be painted with a spray gun?  Essentially using them as you would, a giant Erector set?  Yeah, me neither.  But that was what my husband was here to do.  He was working on a project for a client to paint 28 doors and felt that a rig would be required.  So why not PVC?  I’ll tell you why not.  Because they weren’t designed to be used that way.  It’s not that they couldn’t be, it’s just that the parts are not designed with angles he had in mind.

I think I mentioned that this is not the Church of Scientology…or anywhere near a place where celebrities might gather (so maybe not all walks of life).  Tom Cruise is not going to show up here and help us with this Mission Impossible project.  It really looked like thing was going to “blow up” so my husband went off to see if he could come up with an alternative.  I decided to give it one more shot.  Then, with seconds to spare (until my patience gave out), it hit me.  I had it!

Sorry, I didn’t have time to build it to scale…or paint it.  So while my pics weren’t so hot, I did get to leave with some bragging rights for the day.  BOO YAA!  I know…it looks like it might be a bit top-heavy.  I’m sure I can think of a solution.  See?  Glass half full!

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Random Pics Around Town

I tried.  I really tried to limit my posts this week to three.  I kind of burned one with “Blogger’s Block” that maybe I shouldn’t have because now I am feeling post withdraw symptoms.

Because it’s Friday and because I have the DAY OFF (woo hoo!), I am going to do a post.  Not a Feature Friday post, but hopefully a funny, insightful post about totally random things from last weekend’s walk.  How can someone be funny and insightful and random all at the same time?  Great question.  I have no idea, but we’re gonna give it a shot!

It seems only fitting based on the title of my blog, that I would occasionally show some pictures of doors.  This door is on one of my favorite homes in West Chester.  In fact, this is my “dream house”.  I had the pleasure of being inside this house because it was featured a few years ago on the Chester County Day tour.  That was a huge mistake.  I was smitten already just from the outside, but once I saw the interior, it was true loooove.  Or maybe you would call that obsession.  It’s ok, I only ride past it a few times a day.

So how cool of a Phillies fan would I be if I painted my house to match the team colors?  In 2008, it would have been a “fan”tastic idea.  This year?  Not so much.  But hey, the St. Louis Cardinals came back from 10 games out to win the whole thing last year.  There’s still time, right?  RIGHT????

This umbrella was just sitting on that short piece of the lawn that is in between the sidewalk and the street.  It must have been left there overnight.  This must be a nice neighborhood.

This is a photo of the West Chester Public Library.  It is truly one of the most interesting buildings ever.  In my house, it’s all about library books anymore.  I love that I can have books delivered here from any other branch.  It also gives me an excuse to go inside and ogle the architecture.  You might have noticed, I like to do that.

“I used to be a driveway once.  What the hell happened?”

I can’t tell if the herd gathered overnight to keep warm or they are staging a protest by linking together.  Thoughts?